At the foot hills of McLaren Park and located in Visitacion Valley, the landscape design of Sunnydale Block 9 responds to natural site forces and site architecture as inspiration for the design form and programs. Physical, emotional, and sensing connection to nature and adjacent park systems extend throughout the landscape design which includes the entry plaza, site perimeter, and two private podium gardens.
The entry plaza becomes an extension of the adjacent park, through trees, physical access, and seating adjacent the park. The entry court also functions as the primary entry into the building and community space, with ample seating for residents to relax and gather, and space outside of the community room to extend out into the exterior for larger community events and celebrations.
The S-shaped floor plan will afford two sheltered courtyards for residents, each with a unique set of amenities. The podium design includes two spaces inspired by the hills of the Visitacion Valley, the western shady active play courtyard, and the peaceful eastern podium that overlooks the entry plaza. The active play court includes natural play elements on the northern edge overlooking McLaren Park, including a Tree Top Walk with slide and climbers, and a separate swing set for multi-age groups with cork-based play surfacing. In both podium courtyards raised metal planters provide soil volume for trees and planting adjacent units. Natural materials are emphasized, using heat treated bamboo paving and seating throughout the courtyards, and wood furniture elements.
CLIENT: Related California
ARCHITECT: Van Meter Williams Pollack, LLP & Kerman Morris Architects
TYPOLOGY: Supportive Housing | Residential Courtyard
SIZE: 1.2 acre
LOCATION: San Francisco, California