As part of the Tennyson Corridor Strategic Initiative, South Hayward Youth & Family Center plays a critical role in this 3-mile vision plan. The integrated design between the exterior & interior aims to define several social territories & to also encourage cross interaction between programs. Each area is defined by colored theme plane, wall, ceiling, and site elements and is connected by a paseo from the corner of the intersection to the park beyond. A multi-use linear garden plaza facing the Tennyson Road allows public gathering and yet provides intimate shaded seating. As the paseo leads through the building into the Greenroom, the path is flanked by an interactive water feature and landform with amphitheater seating facing to the stage. The water feature is the focal visual point that cools the summer, while it creates acoustic screening from the busy roadway. The gentle landform provides seating opportunities under trees, as well as outdoor movie watching facing towards the building. The amphitheater seating is integrated onto the east side of the landform with the view towards interactive water feature plaza, lounging platform/stage, and bio-retention areas includes two eco-islands.
CLIENT: City of Hayward
ARCHITECT: RossDrulisCusenbery Architecture
TYPOLOGY: Youth Center | Public Park + Plaza
SIZE: 4.5 Acres
LOCATION: Hayward, California